Ask Ann: Proper Core Training | Girls Gone Strong

Core Training is a hot topic as Abs are often the focus of fitness

What is the best way to strengthen your midsection you ask: I’ve search and found this article to share:

Ask Ann: Proper Core Training | Girls Gone Strong

Ann Wendel via GGS
Ann Wendel Via Girls Gone Strong

Ann Wendel from Girls gone Strong, responds to a reader questions regarding proper core training. In her response Ann talks about connecting the diaphragm to the pelvic floor. Describing the four deep core muscles as the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominus and the multifidus; she states the system isn’t static, instead being dynamically involved during inhale and exhale of breathing.

Her reply to the question includes a great video which goes over training on breathing techniques and which gives activities to practice.

The full article is very informative and please check out the source: Ask Ann: Proper Core Training | Girls Gone Strong

