Jack LaLanne's 10 Point Plan to Self Improvement

Jack LaLanne’s 10 Point Plan to Self Improvement

Jack LaLanne’s 10 Point Plan to Self Improvement

Jack LaLanne was a man ahead of the times, his advice was good then and better now. I love his list of 10 things to improve your life. Perhaps his focus on the ladies grooming is a little lopsided but I do see his point as it might be depression that makes you stop caring about how you look.

2016 Update: At one time there was a video feed of this talk by Jack. After he passed all the videos have been pulled.

Jack LaLanne’s  10 points that he feels are important for a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

  1. Adequate exercise: He believed in lifting weights and movement kept your body fit and healthy; not just for athletes but for everyone.
  2. Healthy nutrition: He believed people should eat more fruits and vegetables, juicing was his niche.
  3. Positive thinking:
  4. Cultivate good habits
  5. Groom yourself well
  6. Smile
  7. Have an erect posture
  8. Help others
  9. Find time to relax
  10. Never lose faith

These are all wonderful tips for a healthy lifestyle. Jack Lalanne was a pioneer in the fitness and health industry and many people looked up to him. He will be missed by many as a guiding force and source of continued inspiration.

Jack LaLanne's 10 Point Plan to Self Improvement


5 thoughts on “Jack LaLanne’s 10 Point Plan to Self Improvement”

  1. Hahahaha! Ok, I love his enthusiasm and I love his ideas! I totally cracked up at the grooming being solely about the ladies. Wow, down to your nails even because we have let ourselves go. And realize when this was done and how perfect women thought they had to look. My mother-in-law would tell me stories about how she would put rollers in her hair in the morning and work all day cleaning the house and ironing the clothes, getting dinner prepared etc, then an hour before her husband would get home she would go take the rollers out, do her hair and makeup and put on a nice dress, nylons and heels. So he would come home thinking that she had done all her daily chores dressed like that and looking as fresh as a daisy! No wonder men didn’t think stay at home mom’s did anything all day long!

    1. That is so true how the American woman was back in the 50’s isn’t it funny. I think in more ways than one many women lived like June Cleaver and men didn’t know how anything in the household worked other than the tools and lawnmowers. My how things have changed.

    1. Yes he was a man ahead of his time, in his early years people didn’t appreciate the message he was trying to send but I think that now as time moves forward it starts to come into focus.

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