lemon water

Lemon With Water in the morning

Lemon With Water

Lemon with Water

Recently I attended a nutrition lecture, a nice addition to an otherwise dull conference.  The talk was very informative, again

I was reminded of the importance of drinking a glass of lukewarm water, upon waking in the morning.

The speaker explained that the body becomes acidic during our sleeping hours, this can cause joint pain and chronic discomfort.  To bring the body back to its alkaline state, put a glass of lemon water beside your bed and drink it first thing in the morning. This helps flush out the toxins your body creates while you sleep.  Use lukewarm water, if the water is too hot, or cold, the body wastes energy bringing it to the proper temperature to utilize it.

Beside being good to bring your body back to its alkaline state, lemons are also an antiseptic, helps with digestion, bloating, cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys.  Lemons also contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and Potassium.


Just a reminder:  don’t let your lemon wedge float in water as the skins have chemicals that leach out, unless you purchase organic lemons.

While lemons, tomatoes and limes are acidic; once the body metabolizes them they help the body become alkaline.

Brush your teeth, or rinse your mouth with plain water after doing this to protect your tooth enamel, unless you drink your water through a straw..

For more information:

Benefits of Lemon Water Via: Livestrong.  According to this site the benefits are:

  • Cleanse your system
  • Aid Digestion
  • Stimulate the Liver

click here, then scroll down, for  more lemon info.


4 thoughts on “Lemon With Water in the morning”

  1. StrongerGrip.com

    Awesome stuff JJ. I'm adding your blog to my regular read list. Thanks and have a super holiday!Ryan

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