Napping Meme explains optimizing nap time

Napping Meme explains optimizing nap time

The Meme of Napping

Finding the amount of time for a restorative napping can be a daunting task; how long is too long? When I stumbled upon this napping meme explaining the process, it was worth sharing. In the past, when I’ve taken a mid day nap, I’ve woken up feeling groggy and confused for hours. Since that one episode I’ve avoided naps.

According to this meme I’ll know to set my alarm:

  • 10 to 20 min for alertness and energy
  • 6o minutes improves: faces, faces, and names

It’s either up to 20 minutes or over 60 as they are saying 30 to 55 minutes time frame is the one that messes with you the most.

I don’t take naps that often, which is good according to shape magazine. Shape wrote a piece titled, “The best nap length is 20 minutes” which they warn that napping too often can cause diabetes.

“Your naps could be wrecking your wellbeing: People who napped for 60 minutes or more per day had a 46 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, whereas shorter naps—an hour or less per day—didn’t increase their risk of the disease, according to a recent study presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the only study to I.D. a link between long naps and health hazards. Research has found that spending lots of time in Z-land during the day is associated with an increase risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, liver disease, and even death.” Via Shape Magazine

This Meme comes from the Meta Picture, which is a great source for both funny and informative meme images.




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