Tying one knot can quickly create a fun flirty vest, from a scarf!
The theme of “converting a scarf to a wearable item” lead me to this really fun video, via: MomTrends.
There have been many times where I could use a scarf to create something when working to throw something unique together for an evening out; nothing matches or is quirky enough. Not anymore, grab your scarf collection and get your vest on!
Is this a project you might try, or have tried?
I’d love to hear from you and discover other fun ways to convert scarfs into other wearable items.
My closet is full of scarves and re-purposing them into other fun vest coverups would be fun.
That is so cute! I am totally scarf-challenged but will have to try this (while I’m alone in my room!)
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…33 years