Dear Facebook, Your Ticker Stream Sucks

OMG the hysteria and pandemonium after the release of  Facebook updates was insane yesterday, prompting some very comical commentary, even road signs. Can you imagine the cacophony of horns in that work area, how could anyone function.

There was no escape from the commentary, Mashable had a great piece titled: Prepare Yourselves: Facebook To Be Profoundly Changed by Ben Parr that I read, the opening statements were interesting to say the least, here is a snippet:

Facebook is driven by a single, unique goal. Its priority isn’t to gain more users (it already has 750 million of those), nor does it feel compelled to find stupid ways to increase pageviews. Its primary goal right now isn’t to increase revenue, either — that will come later.

No, Facebook’s goal is to become the social layer that supports, powers and connects every single piece of the web, no matter who or what it is or where it lives. On Thursday at its f8 conference in San Francisco, the world’s largest social network will take a giant leap toward accomplishing that goal.

I have seen what Facebook is launching on Thursday, and it’s going to change the world of social media. And while I won’t talk about the mind-boggling things Facebook will be launching, I will say this: The Facebook you know and (don’t) love will be forever transformed. The news that will come out of Facebook during the next few weeks will be the biggest things to come out of the company since the launch of the Facebook Platform.”  Read the whole article for more information, it is very interesting.

So Anyhow:

This morning I searched around the internet to try and find a way to remove my posts from Facebook’s new ticker stream. (I’ve found nothing so far)  Why, because now if tell my friend Bessie I love her hair or Jeanne that her new shoes rock then everyone I am friends with get to see my comment, aka Twitter style. Of course they will then wonder what these rocking shoes and great hair look like and pop over to take a peek.

Okay, maybe you think the ticker is a nice way for everyone to “stay connected” but I feel that is like wearing a microphone and having every personal conversation I have broadcast over live radio without my permission; how rude.

I do like the new list feature as it allows me to put people in groups and pull them up to see what is going on and stay connected in that fashion, much like you can do with circles in Google Plus.  I supposed in the scheme of things this does the same thing as the ticker but to me it seems a bit more personal than the ticker tape reveal that is constantly streaming my most recent thoughts to my fellow Facebookers.

I must say this is a very hot topic and I have seen many comments, some with photos to back up their thoughts over the past 24 hours.  One that has been popular mocks people’s irritation with the new Facebook:

So my quest brings me to a few places that allow me to turn off the ticker, fine that is something I will consider but that is not the point, I want to be removed FROM the ticker not remove the ticker from my feed.

This morning I sent a quick note off to Facebook in hopes that they might be listening, which I highly doubt, but I felt better doing it. What I wrote was this:

Listen we live in a world where we all want our privacy and work hard to protect it. Even while maintaining open friendships on Facebook it is nice to chose who can see what we post. This ticker stream seems like an abuse of our privacy and serves no purpose what so ever other than send people into private boards and not use the public stream. If I want to say a nice something to a friend I feel that should remain between us and our group of friends. Why does Facebook feel that we need a Twitter like feed detailing our every move to everyone and give us no control over who can see what we have to say. Whoever brainstormed this idea needs to be fired and please retire this streaming issue as a failed attempt at copying another application, you are Facebook and Twitter is Twitter, stick to what you do best.


What are your thoughts on this and what do you feel the future of Facebook is?  I haven’t fully morphed into a Google Plus user but after what I saw yesterday it is becoming something I am really thinking about. 

Please if you know how to be removed from the ticker feed please please please let me know, did I say PLEASE!!!!

At this point I think Facebook is becoming to big for their britches, don’t you… 

14 thoughts on “Dear Facebook, Your Ticker Stream Sucks”

  1. Too be honest I think that the words “Facebook” and “Privacy” are two words that just don’t go together 😆 Seriously though, Facebook is on a path of hate from it’s users, specially if it’s not going to listen to those that are using it all the time 😉
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    1. I agree with the Facebook and Privacy not meshing and that Facebook needs to give us some control over who can see what. I know Facebook can see everything and so can the government, the Gov can see your phone messages too. (apparently so can some newspaper companies 😉 ) Anyhew, at the end of the day I believe my Facebook time will dwindle as it gets more and more frustrating trying to stay ahead of their manipulations.

        1. Twitter is definitely a faster format and gives quick feedback compared to Facebook. With an added plus that you know what you are getting with Twitter with very little game changes, I appreciate that from them.

  2. haha fb xD well if u want it to be safe never post it on the internet even on facebook or what ever!!!!

    I mean if someone really whanted to see what u where typing on your or a friends page they can get that information

    internet is not 100% safe even if u think it is

    And im not changing 2 google plus !!!!!!! i have stoppt ussing google 😀 google only shows u what they think u wanna see or what they dont whant u 2 see soo


    just saying 😀 and yes im a internet troll but some of this is true facts and i wonder if pistollero Zing0 osten or internet buddies will ever stumble upon this 😀 S M O ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 😀

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    I think I found an answer to how to be removed from the ticker feed. Not sure if it works cause I haven’t tried it yet but this is the post from one of my facebook friends.

    Quoting: “**Please do me a favor: Scroll over my name here, wait for the box to load and then hover over the “Subscribe” link. Then uncheck the “Comments and likes” choice. I would rather my comments on friends’ posts not be made public. Thanks** Then repost if you don’t want your EVERY MOVE posted on the right for everyone to see!”

    So basically that means someone has to do it for you. See if that works.

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