3 ways you can make the new year more eco-friendly
This was a very nice post, I really enjoyed reading this and wanted to share it with all of my readers. We are evolving to be as green as possible and always looking for ways to improve.
I really like tip #3 about making projects at home with friends and family for a social event rather than a chore, that is how it used to be in the past.
Tip #4 is a must read: steer clear of fast food places, not only for the high calorie nutritional void foods but the the non green techniques they employ to get cheap food to the masses.
Tip #12 about drinking real water, from real glasses from a real tap.. That is huge huge huge saver of resources all across the board.
Overall this blog post was excellent and I hope you take the time to enjoy it and share it with friends and family.
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I LOVE THIS.I DO THIS.IM MARRIED TO A WATER BOTTLE MAN :)le sigh:drinking real water, from real glasses from a real tapMizFit