Hyperbole and a Bazillion Things

When emphasis is relayed within a story, you might hear a little bit of hyperbole. Statements that make sense, with outlandish points to drive the message home. We’ve heard the terms a gazillion times, terms which have assimilated into our language, without questioning the logic behind the comments:

  • “I told you a million times to clean your room”
  • “My child must have a zillion tiny lego pieces on the floor”
  • “It’s raining cats and dogs outside”
  • “I’ve gained a ton over the holidays”
  • “It’s raining so hard the animals are lining up two by two”

In a way, hyperbole is a form of an acceptable lie. The word itself is rather odd sounding and sticks on my tongue, I needed to listen to its pronunciation to get it right. Attempting to write about it felt like my hands were in a vice, I struggled with my thoughts.

hyperbole via google.com search page.



The most outlandish hyperbole was by a youngster when he retold a bike accident story proclaiming, “His helmet was crushed on his head so hard the ambulance crew pried it off with a crowbar!” That little boy has now grown into a man, we still laugh about the imagery behind that comment; glad that wasn’t actually the case.

We’ve all used crazy exaggerations at one time or another, each having our own go to term. I’d love to hear what your favorite Hyperbole might be and decide which might be the most outlandish.


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