The Home Barrel Compost Tumbler

Our old house needed many things; this compost tumbler was one of them.

When we first moved into this house I was ready to garden and had a clean slate to work with. We started composting, long before we got our compost tumbler.

We moved in during the winter, we were excited to see what secrets would bloom in the spring. Unfortunately, we were very disappointed as there were no plants to speak of, except a nice lilac hedgerow. We knew that the house had a lots of gardens as the past owner ran a vegetable stand. The soil is pure sand, the only way anyone could garden here would be to use a lot of synthetic fertilizer as we saw no sign of composting anywhere around.  

Gardener's Supply barrel compost tumbler
Gardener’s Supply barrel compost tumbler

Immediately, we started a compost system and still compost today, currently using a closed container as we learned quickly. Open container composting is quick,easy to build and work with; however, the vermin were attracted to the buffet laid out before them nightly. Soon we found ourselves at Gardener’s Supply Outlet store for discounted items. There were many choices, we decided on this rotating barrel arrangement. 

There are days we fill this up to the brim, barely able to close the cover. Checking the composter a few days later to find that the contents will be reduced in half. Even in the winter, we continue to add to this composter without filling it up. In addition to this unit, for table scraps, we have a large heap style compost pile for yard waste, I rob the yard waste pile for brown matter to feed the bin often. 

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